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Wednesday, March 9, 2022

7. Milk, Lemon Juice, And Honey

 7. Milk, Lemon Juice, And Honey

What You Need
·         1 teaspoon of milk
·         1 teaspoon of lemon juice
·         1 teaspoon of honey
What You Need To Do
1.    Mix all the ingredients evenly in a bowl till you get a smooth paste.
2.    Apply the paste to your cleansed face and keep it on for about 20 minutes.
3.    Rinse your face with cold water.
When You Need To Do This
In the morning before going for a bath.
Why This Works
Milk has natural fats and minerals that tone the skin (8). It also contains magnesium, calcium, and other proteins that tighten the skin and nourish it.


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